Bible Study Archive

Men's Bible Study Archive

Men’s Ministry Bible Study Vault

RightNow MEDIA is like the Netflix of Christian Bible studies. With access to 20,000+ Bible Study videos, from 150 leading Christian publishers and ministries, you’ll find valuable tools for your neighborhood groups, personal development, and areas of life training like marriage and parenting.

It is FREE for the Desert Springs Church Family & Friends… SIGN UP NOW!

How to Study the Bible – Francis Chan – Sessions 4 Exodus and Redemption

Francis Chan points out that God means what He says including His wrath. Examples of this were experienced by the Egyptians. But are God’s wrath and love disconnected? Consider Jesus on the cross being a fitting example of God’s wrath and love working together. Steve Jaros led this session.

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How to Study the Bible – Francis Chan – Sessions 1, 2, & 3

As part of our discipleship program, we are encouraged to read & study God’s Word. But why? Francis Chan explains the importance of how and why to study the Bible prayerfully and obediently. George Murphy will lead the discussion. This week’s session starts promptly at 9:00 AM.

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Road Less Taken (Day 4) – Greg Laurie – Harvest Ministries

Al Hurt led the wrap-up discussion on what discipleship and disciple-making look like in the real world. If you are going to be a real disciple of Jesus, you need to carefully read, study, and live according to God’s Word. All things that we need to know are contained in the Bible and are true & perfect. According to the Great Commission we need to either be discipling someone or being discipled by someone. We need to live our lives so we can tell others to follow my example.

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Road Less Taken (Day 3) – Greg Laurie – Harvest Ministries

John Herpy led a discussion on what discipleship and disciple-making look like in the real world. If you are going to be a real disciple of Jesus, you need to carefully read, study, and live according to God’s Word. All things that we need to know are contained in the Bible and are true & perfect. According to the Great Commission we need to either be discipling someone or being discipled by someone. We need to live our lives so we can tell others to follow my example.

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Becoming a Kingdom Disciple – Tony Evans – Session 6

Session 6 is about intimacy with Jesus. God wants a close relationship and connection with us. Pastor Evans reviews three passages in the Bible that expound on this relationship. He shows that intimacy and relationship with Christ are the only way a disciple grows. David Pond leads the discussion.

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Becoming a Kingdom Disciple – Tony Evans – Session 5

This session discusses how to apply discipleship to one’s life as an individual believer by understanding how Jesus thinks and feels about a subject, and responding accordingly. The session also suggests transferring this to one’s family, as contributing to the transformation of one’s family is the goal of the side mission. Carl Madsen led this session.

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Becoming a Kingdom Disciple – Tony Evans – Session 4

To become a Kingdom Disciple, Tony Evans discloses the perspective you have to have and unpacks what it takes to get there. We need to develop “a deep intimacy” in our relationship God. Without Him we can do nothing, but the closer we are to Him, the more He shares His authority. This session was led by Jim Prock.

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Becoming a Kingdom Disciple – Tony Evans – Session 3

It is your willingness to be connected with Jesus that makes you a disciple. Everyday you need to put on the cross at home, at work and in the community and make it inextricably clear that you are a visible and verbal follower of Jesus Christ. God must be first in your priorities; first in your passions; and most important, first in your decisions. This session was led by Ron Marinella.

We encourage you to purchase the workbook, Kingdom Disciples by Tony Evans, since there are daily exercises to be done between weekly sessions. Books can be purchased at the church or on Amazon at a cost of $20.

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Becoming a Kingdom Disciple – Tony Evans – Session 2

Kingdom Disciples call believers and churches back to our primary, divinely ordained responsibility to be disciples and to make disciples. Only when we take this assignment seriously will the world see heaven at work on earth. David Pond led this session.

We encourage you to purchase the workbook, Kingdom Disciples by Tony Evans, since there are daily exercises to be done between weekly sessions. Books can be purchased at the church or on Amazon at a cost of $20.

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Becoming a Kingdom Disciple – Tony Evans – Session 1

Kingdom Disciples call believers and churches back to our primary, divinely ordained responsibility to be disciples and to make disciples. Only when we take this assignment seriously will the world see heaven at work on earth. Carl Madsen led this session.

We encourage you to purchase the workbook, Kingdom Disciples by Tony Evans, since there are daily exercises to be done between weekly sessions. Books can be purchased at the church or on Amazon at a cost of $20.

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In this final session of Louie Giglio’s study focuses on The Book of Colossians, Col 4:2-18. The main thought of this session is that those with a complete view of Jesus as their foundation live lives of prayer and faithfulness, which results in holy actions toward both the family of God and unbelievers. We are called to practice faithfulness through prayer, witness, and practical obedience every day. George Murphy guided us through this study.

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In week 7 of Louie Giglio’s study, the focus is on The Book of Colossians, Col 3:18-4:1. The main thought from these scriptures is just as Jesus enables us to be reconciled to the Father, He also empowers us to have God-honoring relationships with those closest to us. The supremacy of Christ not only changes us on the inside, but it also impacts the way we treat the people in our lives. So what do we need to do to accomplish this? Michael St.Clair guided us through the study.

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Session 6 of Louie Giglio’s study of The Book of Colossians, Col 3:1-17, was led by Steve “Gyro” Jaros. Since we’re alive in Christ, we can take off the old self and put on the new self, which affects our mindset, our actions toward each other, and how we engage in corporate worship. So what does it mean to put on the new self so that we can identify the things that are of Christ and that are of the world in our lives? Join us and find out!

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Carl Madsen led the discussion in week 5 of Louie Giglio’s study of The Book of Colossians, Col 2:16-23. The main thought from these scriptures is that since our sinful selves died with Christ, we’re freed from human rules and we now walk in the way of the Spirit. So join us as we learn to shed human religious rules and return to Jesus, the foundation of our faith, in all we do, say, and think.

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Pastor Angel will guide us in week 4 of Louie Giglio’s study focuses on The Book of Colossians, Col 2:6-15. The main thought from these scriptures is that since Jesus brought us from death to life and triumphed over every authority, we can now live rooted in Christ, unswayed by a false gospel, and abundant in faith. So what do we need to do to accomplish this?

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This week Louie Giglio’s study focuses on The Book of Colossians, Col 1:24-2:5. The mystery of God—the gospel— proclaims the good news of salvation through Jesus, roots us in the future hope of His return and coming glory, and compels us toward spiritual maturity in Christ. Jim Prock led this thought provoking session.

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We enter week 2 of Louie Giglio’s study on The Book of Colossians, Col 1:15-23. The apostle Paul is telling the Colossians that Jesus is supreme over all of creation because He is eternal, just as God is eternal, and all created things were created by Him, and through Him, and for Him. The session was led by David Pond.

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As we grow in Christ, our habits, attitudes, and words change. We become more and more like Jesus the longer we follow Him. As we’re going to discover in this study on Colossians, a mature faith begins with full submission to the supremacy of Jesus. Louie Giglio will walk us through the first section of chapter one (Col 1:1-14) to show how the simple gospel is the starting point to Christian maturity. The session was led by George Murphy.

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Digital Discipleship around the world and at Desert Springs Church


To start the New Year and keeping to this year’s theme of “discipleship”, Ron Marinella leads a discussion of the new and expanding world of DIGITAL DISCIPLESHIP. Topics include; (1) Definition, breadth and depth, (2) Major players-new and old, (3) Readily available content and tools (4) Desert Springs Church technology strategy, and (5) How you can participate.

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Discipleship Explored

Session 8 – Content in Christ

What do you need to be content? In Philippians 4:10-23 Paul says he learned to be content in every circumstance because Christ is the source of his contentment: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength”. The disciple of Christ can trust God with everything: time, money, career, family, future, life and know that God will meet their needs “according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” This video series is presented by Barry Cooper, co-author of Christianity Explored, and the discussion was led by David Pond.

Watch Video | Session 8 Notes

Session 7 – Rejoicing in Christ

How can we let go of anxiety and rejoice in the Lord? – Philippians 4:1-9 The way to be anxious about nothing is to be prayerful in everything. The result is that “the peace of God…will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Paul encourages the Philippians to turn all of their attention towards praising God and rejoicing, instead of worrying about earthly things. This video is presented by Barry Cooper, co-author of Christianity Explored, and the discussion session was led by Jim Taylor.

Watch Video | Session 7 Notes

Session 6 – Transformed in Christ

In Philippians 3:10-21, Paul writes that to really know Christ, believers must live with heaven in view, forgetting what lies behind and pressing on towards their true home with Christ. This means walking the path of suffering, as Jesus did but with the confidence that God is always with and guiding his people. This video begins to look at the disciplines of being a disciple including reading the Bible and prayer. This video is presented by Barry Cooper, co-author of Christianity Explored, and the discussion session was led by John Herpy.

Watch Video | Session 6 Notes

Session 5 – Righteous in Christ

What makes us acceptable to God? Many people think that we can be good enough for God – righteous- by living a ‘good’ life. They think they are good because they have never murdered anyone, and don’t hurt people. Philippians 3:1-9 says that this is not true. We are all deeply unrighteous, and any good that we can do is like rubbish compared to the righteousness of Jesus. Paul says that faith in Christ is the only thing that can make anyone good enough for God, because Christ is righteous, and when we trust in him we get his righteousness. This video is presented by Barry Cooper, co-author of Christianity Explored, and the discussion session was led by Michael St. Clair.

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Session 4 – Obedient in Christ

Ponder this question, “If God forgives all my sins, why does it matter how I live”? In Philippians 2:12-26, the Apostle Paul’s letter shows us that nothing is hidden from God and that we are obedient to God because of our love for Him. Steve Jaros led this thought provoking session and shows us how our mouths (actions) speak the words that are in our heart.

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Session 3 – One in Christ

What do you do when there’s conflict in the Church? In Philippians 1:27-2:1, the Apostle Paul’s letter shows us that we cannot fight for the Gospel if we are fighting each other. We are not only to display fellowship but koinonia. Carl Madsen led this session and explored koinonia and how we should go about being in one spirit and why.

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Session 2 – Living in Christ

What do you have when you lose everything? In Philippians 1:12-26 we see that losing everything is inevitable, we will all die. But there is one way to live that death cannot touch. That is to live for Christ for, “to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Paul writes from a position of having lost a lot: he is in prison, he has enemies and doesn’t know if he will live or die. But for Paul the most important thing was that people were hearing about Jesus, whatever happened to him was not important as he knew it had “served to advance the Gospel”. The session was led by George Murphy.

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Session 1 – Confident in Christ

Is there anything we can be sure of? Philippians is a letter written by Paul to the Christians living in Philippi, to help them keep going as Christians. Paul’s circumstances were unreliable, he writes from prison, but in this opening video which looks at Philippians 1:1-11, we see great hope in Paul’s confidence that whatever happens, God would finish the work of salvation that he began in the Philippians. Followers of Jesus can have this confidence too: God will help his people learn how to live for him and grow in our knowledge of him. David Pond led the discussion.

Session 1 Notes

Season Study Topic Overview – Discipleship

As full-time residents and those who summer elsewhere start to make their way back to the desert for the 2023-2024 season, DSC Men’s Ministry launched its season with a BBQ Steak dinner. In addition to great food (thank you Alex & Carl), our leader (Al Hurt) and lead pastor (Mark Cedar) gave an overview of this year’s study topic… DISCIPLESHIP. If you missed this kickoff session, take a few moments to see what is ahead this year prior to the start of the studies on Thursday, October 19th.

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Summer Study Groups

As many of us prepare to head out of the Coachella Valley toward our summer homes and the balance of us to brace for the sizzling summer temperatures, this can be a time of isolation. To avoid this, you can act proactively to maintain regular contact with one or more of your Desert Springs’ brothers. At church we call this a study group. We encourage you to maintain your weekly discipline of group study of the Word. One easy way to do this is by using the studies provided on If you don’t have a login yet simply click the Sign Up link above. If you’re having trouble logging in or you want our members contact information, just contact Larry Hilton. See you next season! | Watch Video

Jewish Culture and Its Journey to the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus)

This season we have focused on Israel and its people. We have studied both “Israel’s Mission” and “In the Dust of the Rabbi” by Ray Vander Laan. We have reviewed and studied extensively the places that Jesus went and the Message He delivered.

We reviewed the importance of Jews and Gentiles and their own timelines in God’s plan. Gentiles have a special role in HIS plan prior to the second coming.

“For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:13

In Don Finto’s “Your People Shall Be My People”, we examined the importance of Israel, the Jews and Christian church will come together in the last days.

“Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.” Ruth 1:16

Once again, Israel and her people are center stage at a crucial moment in world history, and this book shows why the Church must effect reconciliation and why our prayers are vital in this hour.

Finally, we concluded the Matt Chandler study of Psalm 119. Even the most mature believers face dark nights of the soul. However, Psalm 119 demonstrates the power of God’s Word in the lives of believers and its ability to provide a warm blanket for the soul.
Wow, God has certainly led us to a closer walk with Christ as well as inspiring our men to understanding the importance of further service for HIM.

Our season concluded by further understanding the Jewish culture with Messianic worship and Jewish testimonies on how they came to accept Yeshua as their Lord and Savior. Hear testimonials from Messianic Jews, music by Tom Grande (SH’MA Yisrael) and a 2022-2023 season wrap-up by David Pond. | Watch Video

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler
Session 10 – Psalm 119:169-176 – Joy from Submission

In the final installment of Matt Chandler’s 10 week study of Psalm 119, verses 169-176 are explored. Matt points out that the more we walk in the Word of God, we experience a more joy filled life; truly a gift from God. David Pond leads this final session. | Watch Video

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler
Session 9 – Psalm 119:153-168

During Session 9 of Matt Chandler’s Psalm 119 study, Michael St. Clair guided us through Matt Chandler’s video and points out that the psalmist’s cries out for help and salvation outside of himself by keeping his eyes fixed on God and maintaining his awe and fear of the Lord. If you missed last week’s session you can: Download Notes | Watch Video

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler
Session 8 – Psalm 119:137-152

Throughout the Old Testament, we are often given glimpses of the gospel message. Certain sections more than others foreshadow the coming of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of God’s promise of salvation to His people. This passage is a great example of that foreshadowing as David lays bare the gospel message we believe today. David Pond leads this session Download Notes | Watch Video

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler

Session 7 – Psalm 119:121-136 – Being Obedient to His Commands

During Session 7, Carl Madsen guides us through Matt Chandler’s video and points out that the psalmist’s love for God’s word is not just intellectual. It is a love that is expressed in obedience. The psalmist knows that God’s word is true and that it is the best way to live. He is therefore committed to obeying it, even when it is difficult, and we are called to share His Word. Download Notes | Watch Video

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler
Session 6 – Psalm 119:97-120 – Develop a Consistent Appetite for God’s Word

David Pond led Session 6 which addresses how to develop a consistent appetite for God’s Word in order to develop a right relationship with God. David used a personal example and Matt Chandler’s session video to show us how God’s Word sustains us. Watch Video

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler
Session 5 – Psalm 119:65-96 – Benefits of Belonging to the Lord

During Session 5 of the Psalm 119 study, Matt Chandler points out that one of the popular modern criticisms of the Christian faith is that it is a killjoy. Many unbelievers see it as something that steals joy rather than conferring it. While some of that criticism may be merited due to the behavior of Christians from time to time, it misses the true benefits of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Steve Jaros led this informative study. Download Notes | Watch Video

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler
Session 4 – Psalm 119:49-64 – The Lord is my Portion

In Session 4 of the Psalm 119 study, Matt Chandler tells us that throughout life, there will be times when we will face difficulty. During those seasons, it may even be difficult to see God in the midst of the pain. When those times come, we can find great comfort in the assured promises of God, which is where we want to focus our time. David Pond led this study. Download Notes | Watch Video

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler
Session 3 – Psalm 119:33-48 – Cause Me

Matt Chandler presents Session 3 of his Psalm 119 study, Verses 33-48 which he entitles “Cause Me” that speaks about finishing well. God’s help is needed for us to stay the course and finish well. Our prayers should reflect two ideas: (1) “cause me” to love what is good (give me an appetite for God’s Word) and (2) “cause me” to hate what is evil (my selfishness can be a source of evil). Studying God’s word positions us to do both. Ron Marinella led the discussion. Download Notes | Watch Video

On the second anniversary of his passing, Ron also paid special tribute to his friend and our brother, John Gorman, who gave his personal testimony moments before suffering fatal heart attack. Read Ron’s Tribute to John Gorman.

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler – God’s Goodness
Session 2 – Psalm 119:17-32

In the second session of the study of Psalm 119, Session 2 – Verses 17-32, Matt Chandler speaks of David’s great expectations of God and for understanding of how we achieve revival and comfort of our soul through the confession of sin. This session was led by George Murphy. If you missed this thoughtful session, download George’s notes and Watch Video.

Psalm 119 – Matt Chandler
Session 1 – Psalm 119:1-16 – Blessed Life

During the opening session of the study of Psalm 119, Pastor Mark and David Pond give us their unique perspectives on the Book of Psalms. Following the overview, Al Hurt explored Session 1 of Matt Chandler’s ten-part series Psalm 119, verses 1-16. We find in verses 1-8 a description of the Blessed Life followed by verses 9-16 which describe how to live the Blessed Life. Download Al’s notes and if you missed his session, Watch Video now.

In The Dust of the Rabbi – Ray Vander Laan
Session 5 – The Very Words of God

In Session 5 of Ray Vander Laan’s In the Dust of the Rabbi, The Very Words of God, we will discover what oracles were and how God viewed them. We will discuss whether or not it is possible to be a disciple of Christ while dabbling in revelations from sources other than God. Carl Madsen leads the final session’s discussion. Download Carl’s notes and if you missed his session, Watch Video now.

In The Dust of the Rabbi – Ray Vander Laan
Session 4 – Living Stones

During Session 4 of the 5-part series, Dust of the Rabbi, “Living Stones,” Jim Taylor led the discussion on the significance of temples in ancient times as well as discover what a living stone is and how we can serve as living stones as described in 1 Peter 2:5, “You also are like living stones, so let yourselves be used to build a spiritual temple—to be holy priests who offer spiritual sacrifices to God. He will accept those sacrifices through Jesus Christ.Download Jim’s notes and if you missed his session, Watch Video now.

In The Dust of the Rabbi – Ray Vander Laan
Session 3 – The Presence of God – A Countercultural Community

In Part 3 of the 5-part series, Dust of the Rabbi, “The Presence of God—A Countercultural Community,” demonstrated about the fire of God’s presence and what happens when people live by the Spirit of God. Jim Prock led a session full of discussion about how best to share the Gospel (Good News). Unfortunately the session video is not available but watch Dust of the Rabbi – Part 3 and download Jim Prock’s notes.

In The Dust of the Rabbi – Ray Vander Laan
Session 2 – When the Rabbi Says, “Go”

In Part 2 of the 5-part series, Dust of the Rabbi, “When the Rabbi says, ‘Go,’” you will discover how the disciples learned from Jesus and what gave the disciples the confidence and passion to be like Jesus and change the world. John Herpy leads an informative session full of table discussion. Download John’s notes and if you missed his session, Watch Video now.

In The Dust of the Rabbi – Ray Vander Laan
Session 1 – When the Rabbi Says, “Come”

Pastor Jim Zeilenga opened the 5-part series, Dust of the Rabbi, with an overview of disciples and the importance of living in community to support one another. At all times we must be ready to come when the Rabbi calls. A Jewish proverb says, “Follow a Rabbi, drink in his words, and be covered with the dust of his feet.”. In Jesus’ day, disciples followed their Rabbi so closely that they would be covered with the dust kicked up by the Rabbi’s feet. Download Pastor Jim’s notes and if you missed his session, Watch Video now.

Christian Friends of Israeli Communities (CFOIC Heartland)

In an attempt to better understand the situation on the ground in Israel, we arranged to speak via Zoom with 2 members of CFIOC Heartland. This organization supports the Jewish population and expansion of communities within Judea and Samaria (The West Bank). CFIOC supports the education of Christians on the importance of a Jewish presence in the West Bank and the financial support of their health & security needs. Watch Video>>

Pastor Phil Evans, Poimen MinistriesToday’s End Times Prophecy – Ezekiel 38-39 – Phil Evans

If you have never had the pleasure to hear Phil Evans speak on prophecy, you NEED to hear today’s talk on the end times prophecy found in Ezekiel 38-39. Pastor Phil has been our retreat speaker and a support to our men’s ministry for the past many years and is part of Poimen (”Shepherd”) Ministries. You can download his PowerPoint presentation and watch this session’s lesson. Watch Video>>

Don Stewart head shot -


As part of this year’s Grafted In theme, Don Stewart, renown authority on biblical prophecy, spoke via Zoom, on “The Importance of Israel in Bible Prophecy”. Don is now a full-time missionary with GO! Ministries. His website,, provides free resources for those wanting to know what Christians believe, as well as why we believe. Currently there are 64 books on the site in PDF form (FREE), totaling about 13,000 pages of material while answering over 1,900 questions. Watch Video>>

Template for the Study and Teaching of End Times Prophecy – Ron Marinella

In The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Yeshua), we read; “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” (Rev 1:3). We know there is much more to the topic than this one Book. End times is prophesied throughout the Old and New Testaments and ties in perfectly with this year’s focus of how Christians and Jews will be one under God. Ron has developed a Template for the Study and Teaching of End Times Prophecy and presented a brief “how to” use this tool.

The tool can be downloaded (PDF or Excel).

Israel’s Mission: The Seeking Father: The Lost Son Returns

In Session 5 of Israel’s Mission, The Seeking Father: The Lost Son Returns, completes the discussion of the prodigal son parable and of the Ray Vander Laan study. In this lesson, join George Murphy as he leads discussion of Jesus’ audience and hear for yourself what He has to say about seeking the lost.

Israel’s Mission: The Lost Son: In a Far Country

In session 4, “The Lost Son: In a Far Country,” you will consider the temptations you face to live “reckless” lives and learn to understand and seek out people who choose this path. George Murphy will lead part 2 of 3 of the discussion of the prodigal son parable.

Israel’s Mission – Jesus Renews His Mission: Seeking the Lost

Sheep and shepherds were so much a part of the Biblical world, it’s no wonder Jesus uses the imagery as a metaphor in several of His teachings. The shepherds of His day knew every one of the animals in their flock by sight and spent their lives protecting and leading them to food and water. Many in Jesus’ audience for the three-part parable of the prodigal son would have been surprised to hear that a shepherd lost his sheep. In this lesson, join Jesus’ hearers in a village near Capernaum and learn from the Good Shepherd, the one who lays down His life for His sheep. Carl Madsen led the discussion.

Israel’s Mission – The First Great Commission

In session 2 of the Israel’s Mission series, Steve Jaros led a discussion on how Israel finds its mission amongst the chaos thru the message from God, delivered by Moses. Israel is God’s favored people and would remain so if they obey God and carry out His mission of doing His will and take the Gospel to the world by the way we live. Download Slides

Israel’s Mission – Abraham & Sarah and the Three Strangers

When the Israelites left Egypt and began their journey with God to the Promised Land, how much did they know of their past history? Some, like Moses’ parents, seemed to have retained a knowledge and faith in the God of their fathers, but the Bible says that many were worshipping idols. Not everyone remembered the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but He had big plans to reintroduce Himself and to continue His covenant with Abraham’s descendants. In this lesson, David Pond leads the discussion on how the Israelites discover the mission that God has for them and for His people today. Download Slides

Sondra Oster Baras gave an overview from the Three Seas Outlook, in Samaria, of the most important Biblical mountains – Mt. Gerizim, Mt. Ebal and the Oak of Moreh. She describes the Biblical journey from the days of Abraham to the return of the Jewish People to their Homeland.

Why Israel Matters – Part 3: God Is Not Done With Israel

For centuries, people have been puzzled by the nation of Israel. However, in the final installment of this 3-part series, Pastor Jeff Gill will show that Israel is God’s timepiece for the Remainder of the Times of the Gentiles — One day all Israel will be saved. Download Slides

Why Israel Matters – Part 2: Jesus – The Rabbi From Galilee

Jesus the Teacher… where did Jesus begin His ministry? Because He was a Jew, He started where the Scriptures were best known, in synagogues. Pastor Jeff Gill explores the New Testament Gospels to show what Jesus taught the Jews and where. Download Slides

Why Israel Matters – Part 1: Christ in Old Testament Prophecy

Guest speaker, Pastor Jeff Gill, presented Part 1 of his series on Why Israel Matters entitled “Christ in Old Testament Prophecy”. Pastor Gill showed that the pages of the Old Testament starting in the book of Genesis are filled with over 300 “windows” of prophecy. Through their fulfillment there is overwhelming mathematical evidence proves that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Download Slides

Ezekiel 37:1 – Dry Bones

Al Hurt got us started off with this season’s first teachings based on this year’s theme of GRAFTED IN. His teachings were based on the Ezekiel 37:1 theme of “Dry Bones“. There is the dryness or apathy in both the unchurched and believers. Check out Al’s session and how we are called to Restore Dry Bones.